Kelly Mistry
Kelly is currently a master's student in the Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management (QERM) program at the University of Washington. Her thesis work focuses on improving spatiotemporal models in partnership with colleagues at NOAA Fisheries. Kelly comes to science from a previous career in nonprofit administration, fundraising and science communication. Originally from Alaska, she has lived in Seattle for over 9 years. Kelly spends most of her free time working on improving (fixing) the boat that she lives on with her partner and two pets. Find out more about Kelly on her website here.
Jodie Katon
Dr. Jodie G Katon holds a MS in Epidemiology from the University of California Los Angeles, and a PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Washington. She conducts epidemiology and health services research regarding reproductive health in vulnerable and minority populations. She has successfully competed for numerous grants and fellowships, and presented her research at national conferences and cyberseminars.
Sarah Myhre
Dr. Sarah Myhre is a scientist and public advocate for human rights, as well as a grass-roots organizer, writer, and consultant. She is a national leader in climate science communication, and an unapologetic advocate for women in leadership. Indeed, she is a very difficult woman, with a dream of building a society lead by other difficult, passionate, and caring women.
Valerie Bentivegna
Valerie holds a PhD in Life Sciences from the University of Dundee, and currently works as a Science and Medical Writer at Cognition Studio. She enjoys diving deep into the science, and translating complexity into informative and engaging messaging, bringing in authenticity and the occasional bit of humor.
Outside of writing, she enjoys working on various crafts and performing as a science comedian; she started “Geeky Comedy Seattle,” a space for nerdy creators to share their work through workshops, open mics, and variety shows. Find out more on her website.
Jeanna Wheeler
Dr. Jeanna Wheeler completed her PhD in Genetics at the University of Washington, and is a specialist in behavioral neuroscience. She currently works for SIBCR, where she uses both C. elegans and mouse models to study neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and ALS. When she's not in the lab, she enjoys studying contemporary dance and teaching fitness classes.
Emily Myers
Emily J Myers is a PhD student in Pharmacology at the University of Washington. Her graduate work focuses on developing proteomic tools to study the brain and neurodegenerative disorders. Emily is public advocate for science- and evidence-based policy, and is passionate about equity and inclusion in STEM. Her other passions include Pure Barre and her dog, Panini.
Heather Currey
Heather Currey is a research technician and lab manager at the Seattle Institute for Biological and Clinical Research. Her work focuses on using model organisms and biochemical assays to understand neurodegenerative diseases including ALS and FTLD. When not in the lab, Heather is a big nerd facilitating RPGs for Girl Scouts, reading intersectional comics and working on cosplay.
Heather Price
Heather is a climate scientist, climate justice activist, chemistry professor and researcher. She earned her PhD in chemistry and conducted her postdoctoral research with the UW Program on Climate Change. Her current research focuses on improving undergraduate STEM education through the integration of climate justice, equity, and civic engagement across the college curriculum.
Laura Osburn
Dr. Laura Osburn is a qualitative researcher with expertise in the use of storytelling for decision-making. With a PhD in Communication, Laura currently works as a research scientist at the Center for Education and Research in Construction studying how building teams collaborate with data. She also owns a research consultancy, which is currently developing training for building teams.